Sunday, 24 July 2011

INTERVIEW - ELLE GIRL - [24.06.11] ! ♥

For all GIRLS who are fans of TH, sorry to have kept you waiting. I will now post the interview of TH, which is done when thay came to Japan for the VMAJ show last month. Due to the limited 10-minute time, I could not ask all the questions collected from Blog and Twitter, but the 4 lovely boys tried their best to answer the questions.

On June 24th, although I was preparing the ELLEgirl Night, I decided to interview TH anyway. Here I would like to thank the staff for your concern.

Here are Gustav, Bill, Tom, Georg from the left. I thought they got jet lag, but actually they looked very fresh when they entered the interview room.

Part 1

The interviews you guys took before have made a stir all around the world. The interview was translated into, of course, English, and also French, Thai, Russian and other languages, and put on web. There are also comments written in English, French and German in my blog.
(very glad) Yeah, that's so amazing, right? It's unbelievable.

This time I told fans I would interview TH, so in recent days I received a large number of questions from Uruguay, Russia, Italy, China and etc. Fans all over the earth want to ask you questions. They wrote something like this: if you would come to Japan, we hope you come to Kyusyu; or we hope you can come to Uruguay or Moscow. They all hope TH can come to their local place.
I see. We'd love to. All the fans keep eyes on your blog, right?

Yeah, I think that network between TH fans is great.
Well, let's get started. Let's see how many questions you can answer.
Did you search for your favourite place or store in Tokyo? (From KANA)
To be honest, we don't have opportunities to look around or even free time. Especially this time we just stay for 2 nights. [*actually, they stay for 4 days 3 nights] We spend all our time on interviews or shows (rehearsal and activities included), so we don't have any chance to ramble around. But in the first visit to Japan, we had 30 minutes of free time, so I checked some beautiful and fashionable people.

Where is it? Harajuku or Shibuya?
Yeah, it's great. I had gone to some fashion stores. So, I would like to come to Japan and go around leisurely when I have a holiday next time. 

Part 2

Here's a question form a girl, who wears Yukata in today's event: Do you like Kimono and Yukata? (From Sindy)
Really? We like it. (Eyes shining) Last time we received Kimono as presents. Every morning we woke up in Kimono. [*actually, I think that what Bill received is Yukata, insteand of Kimono. Firstly, it is very difficult to wear Kimono, and it is not confortable to wear Kimono and sleep. Secondly, Kimono is kind of expensive. But the original text is written as Kimono, so here I translated as Kimono.]

Tom: Last time I took a picture with two girls in Kimono.
Bill: Yeah, yeah.

But if you wear Kimono in the show, it must be different style with your songs.
Hahaha. That's right. Maybe we have to prepare some black Kimono with rivets.
Tom: (Laugh) Georg may wear Kimono tomorrow in VMAJ.

Georg looks like to say no with a cool smile.

Please tell us what kind of feeling you guys want to express in the performance of tommorow's VMAJ. As this time, the event is in the form of an aid, which is going to support victims in the Great East Japan Earthquake. (From yukari, TH55 and KANA)
The meaning of 'aid' is of couse important. We really appreciate the opportunity of taking part in this activity. I think that It is really cool for MTV to take the lead in this aspect. The successive aids are quite important. People unite and donate for the victims is also important. We really want to be one part of them and support them, so it's our honor to perform in VMAJ tomorrow.

Part 3

In the previous interview, we had talked about your favourite movies and the background of your music, there were lots of fans echoed about it, and I personally also would like to know, that have you ever been saved by music?
When you are depressed, you feel like you are saved by one song, something like this.
All the band members:
Absolutely and all the time.
I think we are saved by composing. Otherwise, Bill has nowhere to go.
All: Laugh.

Bill: Music saves people anytime in no matter what kind of situation or emotion, as many staff and Tom are always writing the best song at that time.

When you write songs, do you have "bringing the hope to everybody" in mind?
Firstly, I always think about everyone's idea and write them down. I like to tour best, because I can share my emotion and feeling with others. Then I can also know how they react (to me). I received letters from fans written "your songs save me". We don't know what's going on, but we are very happy about it. So, music can really helps people. When fans told us that our songs can help them, we are so proud of ourselves.

Gustav and Georg, have you ever been saved by music?
For us, especially for Gustav and me, we always think that we don't have other things to do, except music. If I was not in the rehearsal room, I should have been idling in the streets all day along.
Tom: Doing some stupid things.
Gustav: Working in post office.
Tom & Bill: Laugh.
Georg: It may be because we got in touch with music when we were teenagers. That was very important. (Georg often made collusion.)

Part 4

Fan's question: Would you mind telling us your secret of skin care? (From DESI)
Tom: Isn't it the opposite? (Laugh) (Do the girls) really want to know about our skin?
Georg: Mine is... (Touching his face and hair)
Bill: Proactiv? (Looking at Georg)
Tom: Your hair is nice. (Everyone is looking at Georg.)

(Maybe Georg really has the best skin and the most beautiful, and longest hair)
Bill: I do not do any skincare.
Tom: I use the soap provided by hotel all the time.
Bill: To me, it's the sun. I think that bathing in the sunshine a little bit is good to skin. At least, it works on me. People always say that sunburn makes you look older, but I don't really care.
Bill: Even if something is wrong in the skin, sunburn can hide it. (Laugh)

Part 5

Tom, some fans want to ask why you wear a beard. (From bk89. At that moment, Bill is not wearing a beard, so I just ask Tom.)
I have no idea. Maybe it's because it looks good, so I start to wear.
Bill: It's much easier, isn't it? Comparing to shaving the beard everyday...
Tom: If I shave my beard everyday, my skin will be rough like Bill's.

Bill: The good thing is that the freckles can be hidden.
Georg: It took half a year to grow the beard like this long. (Laugh)

(Gustav is touching his own face, but nobody notices that. Or does eveyone try to ignore his action? Laugh)

We notice that Bill developed his muscles. Did you do any training?
As Tom goes to gym for training, we go to gym together sometimes.

Do you guys have twitter account? (From Jasminev)
We have an official one, but we don't have private twitter account.

Translation: Theresa/THCN



Scans: Theresa/THCN

Sunday, 17 July 2011


Die Tattoos von Rihanna, Bill Kaulitz, Jennifer Aniston und Co.

Was früher Rockern und Gefängnisinsassen vorbehalten war, hat sich längst zum Trend entwickelt - auch bei den Stars! Rihanna (23, r.) hat sich bereits mehrfach unter die Nadel gelegt, Jennifer Aniston (42, l.) und Bill Kaulitz (20, M.) haben sich zum ersten Mal getraut ...

What was once reserved for motorcycle gangs and prison inmates, has long since become a trend - even with the Stars! Rihanna (23) has been repeatedly placed under the needle, Jennifer Aniston (42) and Bill Kaulitz (20)

Saturday, 9 July 2011


ARTICLE - BILD.DE [08/07/11] ! ♥

"Tokio-Hotel"-Gitarrist Tom Kaulitz liebt philippinische Schönheitskönigin Ria Sommerfeld 
Hat diese exotische Schönheit den wilden Rocker gezähmt?
„Tokio-Hotel“-Gitarrist Tom Kaulitz (21) schlendert Hand in Hand mit einem bildhübschen Mädchen durch L.A. Sie trägt Hot Pants und High Heels, himmelt ihn mit Blicken durch ihre Sonnenbrille an. Der Zwillingsbruder von „Tokio-Hotel“-Frontmann Bill Kaulitz (21) soll ja angeblich ein Frauenheld sein. Aber noch NIE hat er sich zu einer festen Beziehung bekannt.

Ist diesmal alles anders? Sehen wir hier Toms erste echte Freundin?
Das Management von „Tokio Hotel“ dementiert erstmals NICHT. Auf BILD-Anfrage heißt es aus Amerika lediglich: „Kein Kommentar.“
Die junge Frau, in die Tom bis in die Rastazöpfe verknallt sein soll, heißt Ria Sommerfeld und ist sechs Jahre älter als er. Sie ist Halb-Asiatin, kommt aus Hamburg und wurde zur Schönheitskönigin „Miss Phillipinen“ gewählt.
Tom und Ria lernten sich vor etwa einem Jahr in einem Hamburger Club kennen. Tom war, berichten Freunde, angeblich elektrisiert von Rias dunklen Augen und der aufregenden Figur. Und auch Ria sei sehr angetan gewesen von dem umschwärmten, jungen Rockstar.
Das Paar traf sich anfangs heimlich. Einmal mietete Tom, so heißt es, sogar ein ganzes Kino, um mit ihr allein sein zu können.
Später besuchte sie ihn auch in seiner Villa bei Hamburg. In Berlin wurden die beiden 2010 erstmals öffentlich bei einem „Prince“-Konzert zusammen gesehen.
Jetzt hat Tom seine Ria nach Los Angeles geholt. Dort wohnen die Kaulitz-Brüder seit Oktober letzten Jahres in einem gemeinsamen Haus.

Did this exotic beauty tame the wild skirts? 
"Tokio Hotel" -guitarist Tom Kaulitz (21) hand in hand in a picture with a pretty girl strolls through L.A.  It proposes Hot Pants and High Heels, with views through sunglasses. The twin brother of "Tokio Hotel" -front man Bill Kaulitz (21) should be yes alleged a lady-killer.  But he has never had a firm relationship well known. 

Is all this time differently?  Shall we see here Toms first real friend? 
The management of "Tokio Hotel" does NOT deny for the first time. On PICTURE inquiry, it is named from America solely: "no commentary". 
The young woman, is named Ria Summerield and is six years older than him.  She is half Asian, comes from Hamburg and was selected to the beauty queen "Miss Phillipinen". 
Tom and Ria met about a year ago in a Hamburger club.  Tom was, report friends, nominally galvanizes of Rias dark eyes and the exciting figure.  And also Ria had been swarmed around by the young rock star. 
The couple met originally secretly.  Once Tom rented an entire movie theater in order to be able to be alone with her.
Later she also visited his villa in Hamburg.  In Berlin 2010 both were seen for the first time publicly in a "Prince" -concert together. 
Now Tom is with Ria in Los Angeles.  There the Kaulitz brothers have lived since October last year in a joint house. 

Translation by: Nailah [Administrator]